The initial launch of your book is just the beginning. The momentum and excitement you generate around the launch are key to driving ongoing interest and sales. Here are some ways to keep that momentum going:
Following Up on Media Opportunities
Don't let media opportunities pass you by. Make a list of relevant media outlets and journalists who may be interested in your book. Reach out with a pitch and follow up. Look for opportunities like writing guest articles or being interviewed.
Send follow-up emails to any media contacts you pitched before launch with an update on your launch success. Provide them with any compelling launch metrics or reviews. Make it easy for them to cover your book.
Look for tie-ins to current events or news that may make your book timely for media outlets to cover again.
Getting Reviews
Ask satisfied readers to leave reviews on sites like Amazon and Goodreads. Provide them with links or instructions on how to leave reviews.
Reach out to book reviewers, influencers, and bloggers in your genre and offer them review copies. Getting additional quality reviews helps build credibility.
Share great reviews on social media and via your mailing list. Quotes from reviews make great promotional material.
Speaking Engagements
Use the authority and exposure from your book launch to connect with event planners. Offer to give talks or workshops related to your book's subject matter.
Look for speaking opportunities at conventions, community centers, bookstores, libraries, business associations, networking events, etc.
Convert your book's core topics and lessons into speeches, presentations, or actionable takeaways for audiences.
Speaking allows you to connect directly with readers and buyers and expands your influence. It also gives you more content to share and keep audiences engaged.
The key is to keep finding creative ways to get your book in front of new readers. Leverage every opportunity to generate ongoing buzz. Maintaining momentum takes continued effort but helps extend the book's lifespan.