Title: Mama en Nem Subtitle: Handprints on my Life Author: Greta Oglesby Greta writes, For the past fifteen years, at every family gathering, we d find ourselves sitting around the dinner table sharing family stories poignant, counterfeit, odd, true, and hilarious stories that always begin with remember the time when... And someone would exclaim: Somebody should write this stuff down. This is a memoir, but it is not a chronological narrative. This is an autobiography, but it is not measured by years. It is an account of people. The people are her aunts and uncle, cousins, grandparents, neighbors, and of course, her Mama and Daddy. Their years and wisdom have largely shaped who I am. They were my lifeblood, my cocoon, my inspiration. They left a legacy that continues to inform my life. This series of vignettes of members of Greta s family portrays the influence they have had on her life. The vignettes create a portrait of a close family, a deeply held faith, a vibrant life. Actor/singer Greta Oglesby made a big splash in the theater community when she played the lead in Tony Kushner's “Caroline, or Change” at the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis. Her performance was variously described as; ravishing, indelible, powerful, magnificent, heartbreaking, brilliant, and the best performance on a Twin Cities stage this year. Oglesby won the Ivey Award for that performance. Greta moved to the Twin Cities from Chicago in 2000 with her husband, the Rev. Dennis Oglesby, who had been named minister to the city at Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church. Today he serves the congregation of Park Avenue United Methodist Church, where Greta occasionally sings. Oglesby's résumé includes three seasons at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, "Crowns" at the Guthrie, "Gem of the Ocean" at the Goodman Theater, and several plum roles at Penumbra, among others. In 2010, she sang "Lot's Wife" from "Caroline" at New York's Lincoln Center.
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