When Gene was twenty-two, he left the family farm to pursue a career in corporate America. For the next 30 plus years, he developed his business and leadership acumen, often thinking and acting as if his father was standing at his side. However, the people were always the key, just as his father had taught him.
Then in a tragic five-month period, his entire family passed away. When cleaning out his parent's home, he noticed his dad's well-worn "go to town" bib overalls and boots.
Gene put on the bibs and boots, looking for anything feel-good to show his cousins how much he matched his dad's profile. Little did he know that when he left the bathroom dressed like his dad, he would scare the bejeebers out of them; you see, it appeared that Quentin was truly alive.
It was then that Dad's years of teachings came to life.
Gene spent his first 20+ years on his parent's family farm. Walking, talking, and learning from his father. At the young age of 22, he started a 30+ year relationship with corporate America holding numerous jobs in many locations, all with the same company.
Gene is the creator and owner of Earth's Natural Fruit and Veggie Wash and can be found speaking to various business associations and doing product demos.
At the request of his grandchildren, Gene shares stories about his life on the family farm.
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