Donna mathiowetz
Donna Mathiowetz has been working in the arena of loss, grief, and resiliency for almost three decades. She has been a national speaker for a variety of organizations and corporations. She has created the content for groups who are supporting parents who have lost a child. Donna also has a passion for educating those who want to come alongside others in grief. Too many people don’t know what to say or not say -- and that often leaves the grieving person feeling abandoned. She offers sound advice that she has gleaned from her own journey as well as from others with whom she has walked beside. She also presents The Resiliency Factor workshop as a way to help others be better prepared for the twist and turns of life, be it death, divorce, or the loss of a dream. Donna’s message is always heartfelt with a sincere desire to help her audience feel empowered by her words.
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