Illustrations by INDIGO VIETEN
Authored and Illustrated by Three Generations
Billie Rogers, MA, MFT, has facilitated women's groups and retreats for 40 years. She remains passionate about life-long learning, passing on her mentors' gifts, counseling others seeking personal growth, and speaking up when a woman's voice must be heard. She writes, dabbles in gourd art and basket making, and travels extensively to women's sacred sites worldwide. She attended and co-led three two-year-long women's programs in the Transformational Arts, each ending with pilgrimages to holy sites in France. She led volunteer service groups for many summers at a spiritual retreat center in New Mexico. Her essays, travel writing, and poetry have been published in anthologies, newsletters, and magazines.
Cassandra Vieten, PhD is a clinical psychologist, mind-body medicine researcher, author, and international workshop leader who has led hundreds of women’s groups. She is Executive Director of the John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation, Director of Research at the Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination at the University of California, San Diego, and a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, where she worked for 18 years, the last six as President. She is the author of Living Deeply: The Art and Science of Transformation in Everyday Life, Mindful Motherhood: Practical Tools for Staying Sane During Pregnancy and Your Child’s First Year, and Spiritual and Religious Competencies in Clinical Practice: Guidelines for Psychologists and Mental Health Professionals.
Indigo Vieten is a 20-year-old artist and crafter. She has a passion for activism and a strong interest in transforming the death and dying industry. She enjoys Dungeons & Dragons and other world-building activities. She lives with her cat Jiji in Portland, Oregon, and loves being a big sister to her younger siblings Finley and Ruah.
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